Monday 13 June 2016



Like the plague in the city of Eyam,
Our hatred and fear take control of us,
As we live day by day in ample of strops,
And against ourselves we set a lot of snares.

We tell our children the gory about the Sicarii,
And all about Taborites of Bohemia and the Aztecs,
We remind them of 9 - 11 of the 21st century,
And all about the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and ISIS of the same furry,

The neighbor next door is not safe from our cut
Because he left his bears growing and uncut,
And his trousers is not beyond his religion’s cut
Because he believes in his religion’s court,

Same fate goes to the man next door
Who always preaches the word of his God
To the lost sheep and the prodigal sons
Who do not believe in bible; the word of his God,

What shall it profit a soul of the disdain he causes
Another soul who goes gently along his course?
Maybe a feeling of joy that won’t last forever
Or something stronger that makes it no better,
Religion is one thing and God is another,

No matter which legion you belong; just be a good one,
For God is like a university with differ many courses,
In which in it each course try to prove itself to be better,
And only a fool judge his fellow for what he believes
Or for what he thinks of what his fellow belief is,

You cannot make everyone believe in your belief
The same reason God gave everyone a distinct fingerprint,
Muslims or Christians, Taoist or Buddhist,
I don’t care which clan you belong among these,

For you’re responsible for what your belief is
And what you believe is what brings you your relief
But in this world of ignorance and lack of humanity,
Where we mistake moon for noon and history for mystery,
Where we begin to judge every single thing that has been before us,

We even question why it isn’t death before life,
Where curiosity has driven us to calamity,
And research is getting us to discharge,
Where every day by day there is someone going astray
From the truth he knows to the truth he wants to know,

In this great world of self confusion and persistence calamity,
I just want to make one confession; to make it clear to humanity
That I am a Muslim
And I am not a terrorist.


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