Thursday, 30 June 2016

Must Read: Poetic story of slavery in modern suit.


Beautiful becomes ugly,
Orchid placed on detest orchard,
Perfect ennui manifest,
Within the good orchestra,
There is nowhere for them to play,
There is nowhere for them stay,
They pay for not what they say,
Difficulties become order of day,
As they are bullied every day,
Freedom! Freedom!! That is all they pray.

This acrylic fate
Of past date,
Heirloom of hate
From past race,
Exist on face
Till this date,
Could this be legal libel?
The sons of land,
Are deprived to plant,
As if on exile,
Treated like the exiles,

Deprived of their rights,
Seized from their sites,
Seconds are broken with sighs,
For they are tagged: riles.

As if beneath the skull
There is fracture,
Could this be human nature?
Ahem, human nature it is,
What kind of notion is this?
Woe betide on rights.

They danced in jolly woe,
To fabricated fate of woe,
Designed by these people of doom,
That faked their faith;
They shall rue.

Their tainted future
The hawkers nurture,
This infertile pasture
They intentionally nurture,
Blinded by the rapture
Of phantom future,
They couldn’t see fracture
On their rootless future,
They were promised tuxedos,
Diner with famous Confucius,
  Lots of nights in igloo
Below the moon glow,
And a thousand silk robes
Embroidered with glitter and gold,
Alas! They were fed,
Fed with true deceit,
They believed this deceit,
With contempt for their conscience,
 Few even knew it was deceit,
 But they wanted to test their braveness,
A few knew not of it
But from the cake; they ate.

They are not to be blamed,
For their future they claimed,
They never thought nor knew,
Of the kind of plane,
They boarded to crane,
Until it is plain to their brain;
They have landed a place
Where slavery is seen in modern suit.


We thank you for reading this far, we appreciate your time. Come for more!

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