Key words
Self Assessment Questions
Set – 1
Set – 2
Suggested Readings
The objective of this lesson is to help the students expand their vocabulary by learning about Prefixes and Suffixes.
Many words in English are formed by combining word elements. These word elements are the prefixes and the suffixes that are added to words to form new words with a different meaning. Recognizing them can help us to understand the meaning of the new word.
Prefixes are those word elements that are added to the beginning of a word to form a new word.
Prefixes having a negative force: Prefix Meaning Illustration
A - To be without something. Examples: Amoral, Apathy, Asexual, Apolitical, Atheist.
An - To be without something. Examples: anarchy, anonymous, anemic
Anti - To be against or opposite the meaning of original word. Examples: antipathy, antithetical, anticlockwise, antibiotic.
Contra - Against controversy. Examples: contradict, contra vent, contraception
De – use to take away or remove the original meaning from the original word. Examples: Decadence, Decentralize, Deform, Decode, Decline, Devalue, Defrost, Degrade, Debase
Dis – use to bring about the opposite of the original word. Examples: discord, dislike, dishonest, disappear, disobey, displease, distrust
In - used to make opposite, not inarticulate, infinite, indecent, indifferent
Im – to make the opposite of the original word. Examples: impossible, immortal, improper
Il – to make the opposite of the original word. Examples: illogical, illegal, illegitimate
Ir – to make the opposite of the original word. Examples: irregular, irreversible, irrational
Mis – examples: mischance, misdemeanor
Pseudo - Pseudonym, Pseudo-secularism, Pseudo-classic
Non - Noncommittal, Non- cooperation, nonsense, Nonentity
Un - unnatural, unhappy, undo, unkind, unfold, uncover
Ob - obloquy
Oc- occlude
Counter- counteract, counterattack, counterrevolution
Sine- sinecure
Prefixes referring to size, degree or quality of something
Prefix Meaning Illustration
Arch- highest, first archenemy, archbishop, archetype, architexture
Demi- partly demigod
Extra- outside, beyond extra-curricular, extra ordinary
Extro- ------- do ------ excremental, extrovert
Hyper- excess, above hyper sensitive, hypertension, hyperbola
Hypo- below hypocrite, hypothermia, hypotension, hypoglycemia
Mini- little minibus, miniskirt
Macro- large, long macrocosm, macrobiotic
Out- beyond outdo, outgrow, outshine, outwit
Mega- great, million megalomania, megaton
Super- above, more supernatural, superhuman, superfluous, supervisor
Micro- small microcosm, microscope
Para- beyond parallel, paraphrase, paradox, parasite
Sub- under subdivide, subordinate, subplot, subhuman
Semi- partly semifinal, semicolon, semi-solid
Ultra- beyond ultra violet, ultrasonic, ultra modern
Under- below under estimate, underrate, understatement
Meta- beyond metaphysical, metamorphosis
Prefixes referring to time & order
Prefix Meaning Illustration
Ante- before ante dote, antecedent, antenatal
Ex- former ex-president, ex-husband, ex-mayor
Fore- before forecast, foretell, forenoon
Post- after posthumous, post war, post script, postmortem
Post graduate
Pre- before preamble, preplanned, predestined, preoccupied, premonition
Re- back, again reiterate, reimburse, recall, regain, recover, resettle
Prefixes that referring to number of things
Prefix Meaning Illustration
Bi- two binocular, bilingual, bipolar, biennial, bi-cycle
Mono- one monarchy, monotheism, monopoly, monologue, monotony, monogamy
Multi- many multipurpose, multidimensional, multicolored
Poly- many polygamy, poly clinic
Tri- three tricycle, triangle, tripartite, tri color
Uni- one unilateral, uni color
Di- two dichotomy, dilemma
Olig- few oligarchy
Quadr-, quadri-four quadrilateral, quadruplet
Deca-, dec- ten decade, Decalogue
Hemi- half hemisphere
Prefixes that referring to position or direction
Prefix Meaning Illustration
Inter- between intervene, international, interstate, interjection
Sub- beneath subterranean, subway, subside, submarine
Trans- across transplant, transaction, transport
Tele- far telephone, telegraphic, television, telepathy
Retro- backward retrospect, retroactive, retrograde
Proto- first prototype
Pro- forward, in favour of propulsion, proponent
Prim- first primary, primordial
Intra- within intramural
Intro- within introvert
Dia- across diagonal, diameter
VI Miscellaneous prefixes
Prefix Meaning Illustration
Be- completely behead, beside, befriend, beloved
En- cause to be endanger, endear, enjoy, encyclopedia
Em- cause to be empower, emboss, embitter, emblem
Com together compassion, commingle
Auto- self autobiography, automobile
Ambi- both ambivalent, ambiguous, ambition
Co- with, together cooperation, correspondence, coexist, collaborate
Mis- hated misogynist, misanthrope
Neo- new neo-type, neologism
Per- completely permeable, pervade
Sub subjugate
Suc succumb
Suf under, suffuse
Sug less suggest
Sup supper
Sus suspend, suspicion
Syn with, synchronize
Sym together sympathize
Syl syllogism
Sys system
a in, on, in the state of ashore, amid, asleep
ante- before anteroom, antenatal
by- less important, near by- product, by-election, bystander
equi- equal equidistant, equivalent
geo of the earth geography, geology
homo same homogeneous, homophone
A suffix is a syllable or a letter or a group of letters that is added to the end of a word. Occasionally it changes the meaning of the word; more frequently, it serves to change the grammatical form of the word e.g., noun to adjective, adjective to noun, noun to verb. A large number of suffixes are used in English language. For our convenience and easy understanding we can classify them as follows:
Suffixes forming nouns
Suffix Meaning Illustrations
-ITY state of being: credulity, sagacity, possibility, Adversity, vitality, vulgarity, Superiority, probability
-NESS cleverness, boldness, kindness, Sadness, happiness, goodness
-TH truth, depth
-CY accuracy, literacy, constancy, democracy, obstinacy
-ARY dictionary, honorary, luminary
-ISM capitalism, socialism, monotheism, fanaticism, Hinduism, Budhism
-OSIS psychosis, hyposis
-TUDE fortitude, magnitude, certitude, gratitude, solitude
Suffixes forming adjectives
Suffix Illustration
-AL national, educational, emotional, cultural, normal
-Y wealthy, healthy, airy, watery, worthy needy, hungry, worthy, praiseworthy
-LESS faithless, homeless
-ISH foolish, stylish, girlish, childish
-FUL hopeful, fruitful, colorful, playful, meaningful
-IVE attentive, attractive, massive, narrative, derivative
-IC tragic, patriotic, aquatic, poetic, analytic, domestic
-ac cardiac, meniac
-ARIAN disciplinarian
-EAN canadean
-EOUS courteous, piteous
-OUS superstitious, famous, dangerous
-IOUS glorious, superstitious
-SCIOUS, icious audacious, avaricious
-LY womanly, miserly
-LIKE godlike, ladylike
-SOME handsome, quarrelsome, wholesome
-ESQUE picturesque, picaresque
-ING burning, helping
-ED learned, stained, starred, gifted.
-IBLE negligible, reversible
-ABLE considerable, remarkable, portable
-ESE Nepalese
-AN Russian, American, Puritan
-ANT, ent eloquent, suppliant
-ANY honorary
-ESCENT evanescent, pubescent
-FIC terrific, soporific
-IFEROUS pestiferous, vociferous
-IL, ile ceil, puerile
-OID ovoid, anthropoid, spheroid
-OSE verbose
-LEN hopeless, shameless, fearless, endless
-EE trainee, employee, addressee, devotee, Payee
-TH growth, health, stealth
-AL portal, logical, proposal, withdrawal, refusal, arrival, approval
-EER mutineer, engineer, volunteer
-OR author, inspector, protector, actor, debtor
-ESTER youngster, gangster, spinster
-ER painter, baker, swimmer, rider
-ATION examination, irritation, admiration, preservation, sterilization, adoration
-ING slurring, smoking, walking, counseling
-ANT accountant, servant, consultant, assistant, attendant, claimant
-MENT punishment, improvement, development, judgment, agreement
-ENT, eloquent, suppliant
-DOM freedom, wisdom, kingdom
-SHIP hardship, friendship, leadership, and kingship
-LET leaflet, tablet, armlet, booklet
-HOOD childhood, brotherhood, manhood
-EES poetess, authoress, tigress
-FUL spoonful, mouthful
-ERY machinery, archery, slavery, robbery
Suffixes forming Verbs:-
Suffix Illustration
-IZE, (ise) liberalize, commercialize, harmonize
-ER glimmer
-EN shorten, harden, sweeten
-IFY modify, qualify, magnify, petrify
-ATE consecrate, mitigate
-SE cleanse, rinse
Suffixes forming adverbs:-
Suffix Illustration
-WAY straightway, always
-WISE likewise, otherwise
-WARD wayward, upward, toward(s)
-LONG headlong, sidelong
-LY badly, kindly, nearly
In this lesson we have discussed about prefixes and suffixes, which will help the students, expand their vocabulary.
Key words: Suffixes, prefixes, vocabulary.
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