Monday 20 June 2016

You wanna keep your BAE? Read this poem for her and she'll be yours fo ever.


Like the scintillating stars above,
Like the angels who reside above,
Perfect even more than the listed above,
A mirror reflecting the most adoring angel above,

Like a lullaby from a mild wind,
Rhythm in the style of heavens swinging wing,
Prettiest of all creatures living,
A lady worth more than loving,

The smile on her cheeks is worth zillions carat gold,
And as respected as a man who's zillion years old,
Her beauty is mild and bold,
Better than silver worth and gold,

I respect her and I'll always do,
I cherish her more than anything else will do,
She is mine now and forever I hope she will,
So that her name and her children's will fill my will.

If anyone ask you who of the girls do I mean,
Tell them my wife to be is who I mean,
She; the lady to whom my love I'll not be mean.

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