Monday 13 June 2016



   All living things survive in a sea of viruses. We take up billions of them regularly: we breathe 6 liters of air per minute, eat thousands of grams of food and its allied contaminants per day, we touch many different things and heaven knows how many times we put our fingers in our eyes and mouths. Every milliliter of seawater contains more than a million virus particles. We carry viral genomes as part of our own genetic material. Viruses infect our pets, domestic food animals, wildlife, plants, insects; even viruses have "viruses".

    Viral infections can cross species barriers, and do so constantly (zoonotic infections). The number of viruses impinging upon us is staggering. There are more than 1030 bacteriophage particles (viruses that infect bacteria) in the world’s water supply. If lined up head to tail, 1030 bacteriophages would form a line more than 200 million light years in length. The biomass of this number of particles exceeds that of elephants by more than 1000-fold. Whales are commonly infected with a member of the Caliciviridae family, viruses that can also infect humans and cause gastroenteritis. Infected whales secrete more than 1013 caliciviruses daily, a huge amount. Keep this fact in mind the next time you swim in the ocean. There are about 1016 HIV genomes on the planet today. With this number of genomes, it is highly probable that HIV genomes already exist that are resistant to every one of the antiviral drugs that we have now, or ever will have. Amazingly, the vast majority of viruses that infect us have little or no impact on our health or well-being. We exist because we have a defense system that evolved to fight infections. If our immune system is down (e.g. due to AIDS, malignancy, or immunosuppression needed during organ transplants) even the most common viral infection can be lethal. This lecture will define and discuss the basic principles of viral replication, the sum total of all the events whereby a single virus particle attaches to a cell and subsequently produces many new viruses.

 Viruses Defined: A virus is a submicroscopic infectious, obligate intracellular parasite. Virus particles are chemicals: they are not alive. They are complex chemicals to be sure, but by themselves virus particles cannot do much at all. It is the infected cell that does ‘something’. Infected cells, infected tissues, infected organisms, and infected populations of hosts are the primary units of selection. These infected entities are the living manifestation of what is encoded in a viral genome.

   Other defining viral attributes include:

•The genome is comprised of either DNA or RNA but never the two combined.

  •Within an appropriate host cell, the viral genome directs the synthesis, by cellular systems, of the components needed for replication of the viral genome and its transmission within virus particles.

•New virus particles are formed by de novo assembly from newly-synthesized components within the host cell.

 •The progeny particles are the vehicles for transmission of the viral genome to the next host cell or organism.

 •The particles are then disassembled inside the new cell, initiating the next infectious cycle. Viruses replicate by assembly of pre-formed components into many particles. First the individual parts are synthesized, then they are assembled into the final product. They do not replicate by binary fission, as do bacterial and eukaryotic cells.

The Three-Part Strategy All viruses follow this three-part strategy:

 1. All viruses have a nucleic acid genome packaged in a proteinaceous particle. This particle is the vehicle for transmission of the viral genome from host to host. The particle is a delivery device, but it is not alive.

2. The viral genome contains the information to initiate and complete an infectious cycle within a susceptible and permissive cell. The infectious cycle allows attachment and entry of the particle, decoding of genome information, translation of viral mRNA by host ribosomes, genome replication, assembly and release of particles containing the genome.

3. All viral genomes are able to establish themselves in a host population so that virus survival is ensured.

  This three-part strategy achieves one goal: survival.

    Despite this simple three-part strategy, the tactical solutions encoded in genomes of viruses from individual families are incredibly diverse. There are countless virus particles out there with amazing diversity with respect to size, nature and toplogy of genomes, coding strategies, tissue and cell tropism, and degrees of pathogenesis from benign to lethal.    

    Nevertheless, there is an underlying simplicity and order to all this diversity because of two simple facts:
    1. All viral genomes are obligate molecular parasites that can only function after they replicate in a cell; and all viruses must make mRNA that can be translated by host ribosomes.
    2. They are parasites of the host protein synthesis machinery. Viruses require many different functions of the host cell for propagation.
   Cells provide the machinery for translation of viral mRNAs, sources of energy, enzymes for genome replication, and sites of nucleic acid replication and viral assembly. The cellular transport apparatus brings viral genomes to the correct cellular compartment, and ensures that viral subunits reach locations where they may be assembled into virus particles.
      Viruses cannot reproduce extracellularly; the production of new infectious viruses takes place within a cell. Virologists divide the viral infectious cycle into discrete steps to facilitate their study, although in virus-infected cells no such artificial boundaries occur. The infectious cycle comprises attachment and entry of the particle, translation of viral mRNA by host ribosomes, genome replication, and assembly and release of particles containing the genome. New virus particles produced during the infectious cycle may then infect new cells. The term virus replication is another name for the sum total of all events that occur during the infectious cycle. Because all viral infections begin in a single cell, the virologist can use cultured cells to study stages of the infectious cycle. There are events common to virus replication in animals and in cultured cells, but there are also many important differences. While viruses readily attach to cells in culture, in nature, a virus particle must encounter a host, no mean feat for nano-particles without any means of locomotion.

    After encountering a host, the virus particle must pass through physical host defenses, such as dead skin, mucous layers, and the extracellular matrix. Host defenses such as antibodies and immune cells, which exist to combat virus infections, are not found in cultured cells. Virus infection of cultured cells has been a valuable tool for understanding viral life cycles, but the differences compared with infection of a living animal must always be considered. Virus Cultivation. Cell culture is the most common method for the propagation of animal viruses.

Immunization is important please encourage it.

God bless you as you read. Thanks and stay tuned.

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